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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday in Heaven...

On this day in 1928 Dudley Devotion Brewer and Lucy Kluttz Brewer gave birth to my grandpa Robert Cecil Brewer!! In 1987 the Lord called him home after his journey on this earth was over. His last words as heard by the nurse were God bless my family. He was a good man. He didn't have riches or all the new or best stuff out there. He lived simply and his family was his greatest treasure. He taught me the true meaning of Little is much when God is in it:) He didn't store up all the brand new stuff on this earth and have money but instead he lived his life laying up his treasures that he would recieve in heaven. He has taught me through his death and life not to brag,not to lay up treasures on this earth but simply live for God and you have everything you will ever need!! He inspires me everyday to be like him Humble,Grateful and I would give you the last dollar off my back to help you!! He wasn't rich,didn't have the latest new gadgets or treasures but in the end he had God and his funeral line backed up around the building when he died just because he left behind a good name and legacy. I want to thank the Lord for giving me my paw-paw Brewer he was what everyone should try to be like everyday. I'm thankful for the last name he left me. Because it reminds me to stay humble and grateful for every little thing in life. Every tiny blessing that comes my way. You never know when your last day on earth will be so stop in this life and start laying up your treasures in heaven!! Don't live your life for only this life. Live it for the Lord and live it by being grateful,humble and helping one another and most important being thankful for the little tiny blessings in life. Thank you Paw-Paw for teaching me that!! I am so happy to be your granddaughter and so happy to call you my paw-paw. Miss you and love you and one day I will spend eternity with you in heaven and I can't wait for the glorious day when we are all reunited:)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Amen, sounds like a wonderful Godly man sister, hugs Barbara