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Saturday, February 20, 2010

When will he come?

It's sooo hard waiting!! Waiting for the right one that is!! I always wonder when the right one is going to come along. I feel sometimes as though it's never going to happen and I will be stuck alone for the rest of my life! I struggle with being lonely waiting for Mr. Right. I know God has him out there somewhere but I just have to wait. I just want to know who it is you know? to bore you with this I just have been bothered by it and wondering if anyone else struggles with the same thing? I just get so lonely sometimes!! I need some encouragement on Love you all and have a great Sunday tomorrow!! God bless!


Anonymous said...

Hiya, I'm writing to encourage you, although, what I have to say might discourage you! LOL I'm 32 (soon to be 33) and I will be getting married in June. I know a friend of a friend who was 40 before he got married. I don't say that to bring you down about how long you "might" have to wait, but rather to let you know that waiting on the Lord is surely the best option!

After I got saved, finding a wife became my last priority. In fact, I never thought I'd get married because I was never looking. But that was the key - I wasn't looking - I was busy for the Lord, doing His work.

I would sometimes pray that if the Lord saw fit to send me a wife that He would, but I never spent much time dwelling on it. Long story short - I was attending a tent revival meeting when I met my wife-to-be...and I knew it the very night I met her (took me a while to convince her of it), but just the same...

I encourage you to stay faithful and busy about the Lords business. When the Lord sees fit to send you your mate, He will. Until that time, just live for God and try not to let the lack of a mate right now bring you down. I know it can be easy to do, but the busier you are serving God, the less you'll think about not being married.

And remember, Adam wasn't looking for Eve - God brought Eve to Adam (Gen 2:22 "...and brought her unto him"). Likewise, in His time, the Lord will bring your mate to you! Isn't that exciting - to think of how the Lord works!!

Lord bless! ~ C

Nancie said...

Dear Jennifer,

I am praying for you. Waiting is indeed difficult! I do struggle with this too from time to time. It is difficult being the only Christian in my home and especially when I struggle with depression. I sometimes wish there is someone who loves me and can provide the comfort and companionship which I believe will make a lot of difference in my life. Someone who I can share my faith in Christ with, someone to laugh and weep together with. Someone to read the Bible and pray with, and someone to serve God together with.

God in His providence did not bring such a person into my life yet. I am already in my mid 40s. I am comforted by the assurance that God loves me and He has His plans for me. I have been praying that He will keep me busy serving Him until He brings such a one into my life. The Lord in His mercies and faithfulness has been filling my life with many wonderful and joyful opportunities to serve Him and His people. I do still feel lonely from time to time. But whether I eventually marry or not no longer troubles me as much as it used to be. I have found much joy and fulfilment in living for our Lord through serving Him and His suffering people. I know that if He wills He will provide for me in His timing. If He doesn't, I am happy to serve Him in my current capacity.

May God bless you with many wonderful blessings in your life daily and especially with a godly and like-minded husband in His timing. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragements!

With love and prayers,

Miss Grace Elizabeth said...

Yes I struggle alot with the same thing. Just yesterday I was so down. I thought "he" was already here but that guy had to go on the "no" list. I dont want to be an old maid! I need to keep my mind on the Lord and let Him have full reign in my life. Here are some thoughts that help me alot: Did I decide to be here on this earth?, Did I plan my life?,Did I give my self breath?, My life is in His hands and I need to keep it there and not worry about the future because He has everything worked out perfectly. Another desire I have is to be a missionary and go to another country. But I don't want to go all by my self but with a husband. But maybe "he" is in another continent! Oh the waiting it is hard! But for the Joy that was set before Jesus He endured the cross. And this is what we must all do.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts
you are not all alone!

The Loveless Family said...

Before God brought my path together with Keith's, I would get so lonely. Sometimes, I lay on my bed feeling like the walls were closing in. No, you are not alone in this. You know how when two people are separated they will say that when they look at the moon they feel less lonely knowing that they are looking at the same moon? Well, just remember that you and your chosen can look to the same "SON." Although you haven't met, You both know the same God. You are part of the same family, the family of God. His life's path is heading your way and one day when you least expect it -- those paths will converge. For now, just keep looking to the SON!

ERICA said...

Hi Jennifer... I found your blog through the KJV Blog site and the title of this post caught my eye b/c I feel like I'm in the same boat with you when it comes to this subject. And believe are not the only one who struggles with this :)
I do and a couple of my girl friends do too. But I've learned to do like what Chris said in his comment, to just keep busy serving the Lord and try to take the waiting part out of the waiting period...if that makes any sense, lol :)
But just hang in there and God will bring you and your future husband together.
In Christ,

Mrs. E said...

The Lord is faithful!
Isaiah 40:31

Laura said...

Hi Jennifer!
I just found your blog!
I don't have a lot of encouragment for you because I'm in the same boat as yourself. :) All that really cmes to mind is to give all your worries and fears about not being married to the Lord. Make sure you have a open heart to what the Lordhas for you during this season of your life.
I will be praying for you!!

P.s I worte a short post about this on blog if you want to check it out!

Princess0479 said...

Dear friend I have not visited your blog in awhile, nor written in mine, BUT i still wanted to dear to encourage you read Psalm 27, it says WAIT on the Lord, be of good courage, etc...Wait..wait..
But don't wait with a sad heart, but with a joyful heart, after many years i have learned a certain JOY of being single...being able to serve God single is easier if i were married, i'd not be able to go to New Orleans missions and home missions as often if i was married and with kids..God did have a different plan for me..But i am still hoping on the Lord that the right one will wonder in, like one of your friends 1st one wisely said, THE KEY is to not be looking, but to Serve the Lord with all your heart, all you might and the Lord will send him in DUE time...

a few verses to comfort you tonight
Psalm 27, Jeremiah 29:11-14, Isaaih 40, 2 corinthians 12:9-11, psaln 119 talks so much of loving God's law, if you meditate on that daily and all the other ones i gave your will and your desire will increase for the Lord, and sooner than you think you'll want more of God than anything else, and once you put him 1st, everything else will fall into place :))

Last verse~~~~ very beautiful~~~~ 2 Samuel 22, Psalm 91 and 144.

Be blessed dear friend, I love you and i am so so happy that you lost 22 pds total!! that's AMAZING, you rock...if you could write me and give me your tips on how you lost 22 pds i'd be very happy!
i'm trying to lose too..and need to lose please send your friend some ideas on how you are being healthy :))

sorry this was so long!!

Missed you so much!!

Blessings & HUGS!! :))

In His Love, Jane